Let’s Talk: Is Quantum Break good or bad?


Hello fellow gamers welcome to Let’s Talk. So if you have an Xbox One like me then you probably have seen those hype Quantum Break sections on the home page giving it a ton of praise and everything. Even television is telling us how great the game is  while showing off awesome game-play footage and what reviewers are saying about the game. But does it really live up to the hype? Well that’s what I’m going to talk about today so let’s begin


Quantum Break is a game created by Remedy Entertainment the same company that gave us Alan Wake (one of my favorite games ever) and Max Payne. The game is based around time travel, controlling time, and whole bunch of confusing stuff that I will never understand no matter how hard I try but despite all that its still entertaining. You play as Jack Joyce who I honestly cannot really talk about because the game never tells you much about him, the only thing we know is that he has an incredibly smart physicist  brother William Joyce (also missing)and he is going to meet up with his friend Paul Serene who is working on a time machine based on his brother’s work. To make a long story short something goes wrong with the machine both Jack and Paul get time altering powers time itself is falling apart.


Now that you have the gist of the story lets move on to gameplay since this a third person shooter you are allowed to carry three types of guns even though there are four empty slots. You get a pistol, assault rifle and shotgun and each type of gun has a different version you can pick up but you can only carry one type of gun at a time (ex: pistol, heavy pistol and burst fire pistol). Like I mentioned before you have a fourth weapon slot that you never use and it made me think it was reserved for a special weapon but sadly I never got one so that was kind of disappointing. In addition to your firearms you get a series of time powers: time vision, time shield, time blast, time rush, time dodge, and time stop. While they all sound ridiculous they’re actually pretty cool; time sense lets you see enemies and story items as well as upgrade nodes, time blast lets you focus your energy into a huge explosion which is great for clearing out multiple enemies, time rush lets you avoid danger by running through frozen time, time dodge lets you zip out of the way of gunfire in real time, time shield lets you block bullets and recovers your health and time stop freezes time in a specific spot on enemies or objects you can even fire into it at your opponents to cause more damage.

Ok now that I gave you a break down of the gameplay lets talk about where the game breaks down. One thing that really bugged me during my playthrough of the game is that even though its a third person shooter there’s no cover system at all, I mean I understand that the game is fast paced but when you’re zipping around and getting shot at taking cover is essential. The game tries to make up for it by making you auto crouch when you’r near a desk or wall but sometimes it works against you and causing you to eat a bunch of bullets. Another issue I had was the shooting, whenever I shot any kind of gun the recoil was insane most of my bullets missed and the aiming could have been improved but since I used my powers most of the time it didn’t really hurt my experience playing too much.

One thing that I did like that everyone is 50/50 on is the mini television show that plays after every completed act. The show gives a little background information about Monarch (the company that is trying to kill Jack) and the people that work for it. They’re all about 22 minutes long and for me it was fairly entertaining (mainly because of the SyFy network)  and it gave me time to relax after playing for so long. Now if you don’t want to watch it you can skip them but if you want to see what’s going on behind enemy lines then feel free to do so.


Honestly the music is the most forgettable thing in the game to me and I’m not saying that to be mean its just that when you’re zipping around shooting bad guys and blowing them up with your time powers trying to hear what’s playing in the background is last thing on your mind. There are real songs by artists when you complete an act but since I didn’t know them  I just skipped to the next level. The sound effects for the time fracture sections were ok the first few times, then as you progress it starts to get irritating especially if you have headphones in.


Despite what some YouTube game reviewers say about it Quantum Break is a good game its not the best, but its good.The game was a little over-hyped but it did not fail to entertain, if you own it then there might be the possibility of future DLC so just keep it on your shelf somewhere I feel like the story is far from finished and some loose ends might be tied up in possible future content. But If you’re just looking for a nice action game to rent then this is a good pick for you. And that’s my take on Quantum Break I will talk to you guys next time.

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Let’s Talk: Top 5 Creepy Characters

Hello fellow bloggers, gamer and anime fans welcome to Let’s Talk. In the spirit of Halloween I thought it would be fun to make a list of characters from games that I’ve played that really scared the crap out of me when I encountered them for the first time. Since this is my first Top anything list I’ll start small with only 5 characters and increase the numbers as more list topics pop in my head. So with no further ado lets start with number 5.

5. Weepers (Dishonored)


At first glance these guys look pretty normal. But if you happen to come across a groups of weepers get ready for annoying barrage of sickness being thrown at you by these rat plagued enemies. The reason why I placed them on this list is because of their creepy moans and weird movements. Watching them from afar made me feel uneasy about approaching them because I had no clue what they would do to me if I even got close, even when I play the game now they still make my skin crawl especially if you take a closer look at their open wounds, bug infested faces, and the look of anguish on their faces. If you ask me killing them is doing them a favor.

4. Boy of Silence (Bioshock Infinite)



You know for the majority of the game Bioshock Infinite was pretty normal compared to the previous games I mean the only bad guys you faced was regular guys with guns and robot presidents oh, and Songbird of course but other than that it was pretty straight forward. But then there’s the Boy of Silence. The boys of Silence are described as indoctrinated young men fitted with sense-enhancing helmets and are forced to act as watchmen. The primary function of the Boy of Silence is to act as an alarm whenever it spots intruders and its really terrifying when they spot you. If that’s not scary enough lets look at what they can do, if one happens to spot you not only do they make a terrifying sound but they alert an army of men in masks who will pummel you to death. But what hammers the nail in the coffin for me is 2 things: 1. You cannot kill them no matter what, and 2. You NEVER EVER see their faces. I’m well aware that curiosity kills the cat but I want to see what they look like, are they still human or has that helmet disfigured them in some way? We’ll never know.

3. Divider (Dead Space)



Ok before I even begin let me start off by saying this the most disgusting creature I have ever seen in the Dead Space series. It beats any boss or any other Necromorph and nothing will change my opinion of that. Sorry for the mini rant lets get back to why its creepy, well for starters the Divider is just a tall intimidating figure that looks like it’ll give you a hard time and it will if you’re not ready. Another thing that makes this thing creepy is its humanoid appearance in the first game all the necromorphs are barely recognizable  some look like animals or just plain monsters but this guy looks like someone you would know in low light of course. But of course we cannot ignore the creepiest thing about the Divider: his unforgettable ability to attack you after you dismember him…yup. If you didn’t already know the Divider is made of individual functioning necromorphs heads, arms, legs etc. each with the strong desire to kill you. They aren’t strong but seeing them crawl on the ground making horrible squeaking sounds is just wrong on so many levels especially the head necromorph who will not only strangle you but decapitate you and then has the audacity to take over your body and wear like a new suit. Gross.

2. Reborn Laura (The Evil Within)



Say what you will about The Evil Within, we all know it wasn’t as scary as we had hoped but you have to admit they tried with their creature designs and for me Reborn Laura worked the most for me. I mean who doesn’t love a multiple armed monster woman that has the ability to teleport and will chase you relentlessly am I right? Reborn Laura makes this list for not only being visually terrifying but just because of what she can do, like I said earlier she has the power to teleport (very quickly I should add) to your location at will and will most definitely catch you off guard, adding to her teleportation she can jump out of blood pools doesn’t sound impressive right? well imagine being chased by her and narrowly escaping her claws you take a moment to catch you breath until you see a benign puddle of blood that begins to bubble until SURPRISE!!! Laura is back and the chase is back on. Reborn Laura knows how to keep a chase tense and the fear of never knowing when she’ll show up to kill you makes her a creepy and terrifying monster.

1.Alma Wade (F.E.A.R)   



Coming in at #1 is none other than Alma Wade. I can honestly say no character in any other video has made not only scream in sheer terror at the sight of them but caused me to turn the game off and go cry in a corner, not to mention making me question if I saw a little girl standing there in the dark. Alma’s creep factor is through the roof and her actions and abilities just seem to amplify them. She’s honestly unpredictable seemingly attacking, taunting, violating, and even protecting you on some occasions. As creepy as Alma is her backstory is tragic gifted with psychic powers at a young age she was used as a test subject by her own father, to make matters worse she was impregnated with embryos that contained multiple genetics of many donors including her father. Eventually giving birth to two sons they were taken away from her and she was locked in the Vault where her physical body would remain until she finally died. Now thanks to her powers she can walk the physical plain and unleash her anger on those who ruined her life, she can disintegrate anyone, control minds, create phantoms and even bend reality creating what is known as the Almaverse. This creepy girl may be small but she is as powerful as they come and that is why she deserves the number one spot.

And that concludes my first Top 5 list if you have some favorite creepy characters leave them in the comment section. Thanks for reading.

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Let’s Talk- Persona 5 Trailer *UPDATE*

Hello fellow bloggers, gamer and anime fans welcome to Let’s Talk. A few days ago the Persona 5 trailer was released and there was a lot of things to talk about. What had my attention the most was the main personas of the other party members as well who the mystery boy was who was briefly shown. Well leaked information reveals the name of mystery man as well as the personas of everyone, I found this information on PesonaCentral.com so click here if you want to read more.

Before I begin I will say that although this game seems to follow a thief theme, the Personas of the cast does not seem to reflect that. However its a good idea to keep in mind that if you manage to max out your social links with your party members, their personas evolve into different and stronger forms maybe then they will fit into the theme of the game. We’ll just have to wait.


Starting of with Ryuji again his Persona is Captain Kidd a famous pirate.



Anne’s Persona is Carmen probably based of the famous opera.



Morgana’s Persona is Zorro a famous fictional character.



And finally the name of the mystery boy is Yusuke Kitagawa and his Persona is Goemon he is confirmed to be one of the your party members.



image sources:






Let’s Talk- Persona 5’s New Trailer

Hello fellow bloggers, gamers, anime fans, etc. Welcome to Let’s Talk. Its been quiet on my site for a while (thanks College) but I have managed to make some time on here to go over the new trailer that has just dropped for Persona 5, and I can honestly say that I have never been so excited from viewing a trailer nor have I been so close to crying due to how excited it made me. So without further ado lets begin.

So right off the bat we are thrown into what looks like Egypt with all of our protagonists running down the side of a pyramid escaping its destruction, at the same time our female hero Anne Takamaki is having what looks to be a comedic argument with their furry friend Morgana in which the feline loses since Anne launched the feline into orbit. So what I like about this part is that it shows that we may be able to travel the world somehow or perhaps the area they are in is not actually Egypt but a replica, think back to Saki Konishi in Persona 4 when she entered the Midnight Channel her environment there became the shopping district so it could be something like that but on a bigger scale who knows?

At this point I think I’ll breakdown everything that happens afterwards into categories it should make things easier to take in one at a time.


Visually this game looks amazing the in-game models have been vastly improved but that shouldn’t be too surprising. The characters have a look similar look to Catherine which I can appreciate, the style change makes them look more lively and human. The Personas and Demons have a more solid look to them and appear to be more animated as well,  which is something I secretly wished for. This game also seems to be following in the steps of Catherine with its possible inclusion of longer animated cut-scenes  which to me is great, I mean let’s be honest didn’t you want some of the cut-scenes in Persona 4 to be a little longer especially during boss intros?


When it comes to exploring Inaba or Port Island there really wasn’t that much to explore, however in Persona 5 that may all change. Looking at the trailer it looks like the city the game is set in is open to explore. You can take the train to possible other locations, explore alleyways, your school, all while overhearing other people’s conversations which could possibly have helpful hints hidden within if you pay attention close enough. Weather is still part of this game, perhaps there maybe instances of weather specific missions just like in Persona 4 or areas that can only be accessed during rainy weather these are all just guesses but its Atlus so who knows what they’ll do?

3. Main Cast Personas

So we finally get visual confirmation of all the main personas and they are all amazing. One thing I never noticed while playing Persona 3 and 4 is that the main Personas of the main cast follow the theme of the game, for example: Persona 3 has Greek inspired personas (Orpheus,Thanatos, Ceasar) and Persona 4 has Japanese inspired personas ( Izanagi, Takemikazuchi, Susano-o). Now since the main protagonist’s persona named Arsène is based on a thief it would make sense that the rest of the characters personas are based on thieves lets take a look.


Up first is Ryuji Sakamoto whose persona resembles a pirate riding on a mini-pirate ship. Now I’m not sure which pirate he’s based off of but I don’t really care all I know is he looks awesome and comical at the same time.



Anne is next in line with a persona who looks exactly like her only her persona wields two huge fireballs. Maybe she will be a Yukiko type character who heals and uses powerful fire attacks as well or maybe something completely different.


And last but not least Morgana. In both Persona 3 and 4 there was a furry party member who could use a persona Koromaru and Teddie. Their personas closely resembled to an extent but Morgana is in a whole other league. Our feline friend’s persona is what looks to be a  giant knight wielding a rapier. This honestly proves that big things come in little packages.

4. A mysterious male



For a brief second we see this guy an unknown persona user. Whether he’s a friend or foe is to be determined but judging by the trailer he does not look like someone you would want to piss off. His persona is also unique it resembles a kabuki actor ( yes I had to look it up) but don’t judge a book by its cover since it was shown to handle to demons with no problem at all.


I could go on and on about everything in this trailer but I won’t. This game is going to be great and we all know it, when it comes to making JRPGs Atlus is one of the best at delivering a solid game. If you have played any Shin Megami Tensai games such as Digital Devil Saga, Nocturne, Devil Summoner, or any of the Persona games you know what to expect and if you haven’t I highly recommend that you do.

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Lets Talk – My feelings on Dishonered 2

So this year I completely ignored E3 and all the new game announcements they had because I lack an Xbox One Or PlayStation 4 and it was probably the worst decision of my life seeing as how I missed the Dishonored 2 trailer in all its glory. I came across this game while flipping through the pages of a Game informer magazine and my mouth fell open when the word Dishonored was followed by the number 2.

For those who aren’t familiar with the first Dishonored you play as Corvo Attano whose main duty was to serve as Lord Protector of the Empress of Dunwall and her daughter Emily. After returning to Dunwall (the main hub for the game) from his latest mission, things take a dark turn when the Empress is murdered and her daughter is kidnapped by mysterious assassins who pin the blame on you. Your mission is to now find out who wanted to kill the Empress, save Emily, and clear your name. Now I could go into further detail but I prefer not to spoil the game if you haven’t played it already.

So lets talk about this trailer that focuses on Emily who has grown up since we last saw her and she has learned some new tricks as well. Starting off with Emily’s debut trailer we see that the new setting may not be in Dunwall or maybe it is just in a different section of the city, another observation is that there maybe hazardous obstacles, like that dead body filled with bugs (great). Up next we see an unknown assassin entering the home of an upper class citizen possibly someone who holds great power within the city. We then see them attempt to kill this person only to be thwarted by mechanical guards with four arms, ok before I go on this is a cool change because in the first game there is a type of robot guard but you rarely see it unless you go on a killing spree, so I like that there are going to be new enemy types this time around. Getting back on track we find out that the target of this assailant knows her name: Emily from the first game. After a little bit of dialogue we are treated to Emily going toe to toe with these new mechanical guards showing off some new skills and weapons that might appear within the game, and after evading some useless traps the trailer ends with her scoring her first kill.

Like I said before if you haven’t played this game before I highly recommend you play the first one before this just so you know what’s actually going on with the characters and the city since they are driving force behind the game. I will say though that this sequel announcement caught me completely off guard mainly because it didn’t give off a sequel vibe like Assassin’s Creed it felt like a game that you would play and forget about forever.

My feelings towards this sequel are mostly positive there weren’t that many issues with the first game that needs an upgrade except for maybe a slight tweak in the combat and stealth mechanic but overall it looks good so far and I cant wait to see what they do with this one.

Lets Talk – Will Assassin’s Creed Syndicate save the series?

As some of you may know already Assassin’s Creed Syndicate is the next installment in the Assassin’s Creed franchise and honestly I have no idea how to feel about this game. I have seen the trailer for it and visually it looks amazing as all the trailers for the previous Assassin games usually do but that doesn’t convince me it will save this slowly sinking ship.

Now Assassin’s Creed greatest strengths is the story and just by playing the 1st game you can tell that the story outweighs the actual gameplay. The games focus around an ancient battle between two factions: the Templars and the Assassins fighting over mysterious relics known as the Pieces of Eden sound interesting yet? The antagonists are the Templars who want to use the Pieces of Eden to enslave the world through mind control while the Assassins fight to stop them. You play as the main character Desmond Miles a bartender/assassin who was kidnapped by the Templars and forced to enter into a machine that allows the user to relive the lives of the ancestors to locate other Pieces of Eden. In the second installment of the game however, the story goes in an entirely different direction. Now instead of looking for items that can control people, our hero has to deal with an ancient civilization’s warning of an impending solar event that will destroy the earth and being the savior of the world. Keep in mind this is only the first two games and we’re far from finished sadly I would say that after the second game concludes the story begins to take a backseat and the gameplay starts to overshadow it.

To summarize the stories of the filler games AC Brotherhood and AC Revelations as well as the third game I’ll just go over the endings and then conclude after that. In Brotherhood certain events occurred that resulted in Desmond killing one of his friends against his will causing him to fall into a coma. In Revelations Desmond is still in a coma trying to put his mind back together with the help of the Animus the machine that lets you relieve past memories, and eventually awakens to save the world with that solar event I mentioned earlier close at hand. In the third game our hero meets an unfortunate end when he chooses to sacrifice himself to save the world from destruction. But despite the fact that Desmond is dead more games were made. In AC4, Rouge, and Unity you no longer play as an Assassin but as employee for the Templars going through the genetic memories of a deceased Desmond and this is where my fears come into play.

*Phew* I know I talked a lot but I needed to in order to get my point across and that is Assassin’s Creed trading in their quality for quantity. I feel as if Assassin’s Creed is starting to look like Call of Duty and everyone should know what that means a new game every year that is more or less the same only with a different title. I have a feeling that this series will never truly end, it will continue to shove out a new game until they run out of ideas, and with these rushed games comes with ridiculous glitches (image below) that could have been avoided if more time had been put into the game. But I do have high hopes for Liberation, I absolutely love this series but I just want this game to be done right and let there be an actual conclusion to all this. At this point any fan would probably ask is there a conclusion to all this? who wins and who loses? We are nine games in and none of these questions have been answered yet, but who knows maybe they’ll surprise us with this game.

Tell me what you think will Assassin’s Creed Liberation save this series or will it be another buggy game just like Union?



image source:http://bgr.com/2014/11/14/assassins-creed-unity-glitches/

Are Video Games predicting the Future?


I can probably guess what you’re thinking “how could a video game possibly predict the future?” well thanks to one of my favorite YouTube channels “The Game Theorists” they can explain

Now I won’t go over everything talked about in the video simply because it gets a little too out there and it would be a lot of typing for me. I will admit that even I was skeptical at first but after looking into a few of them we are eerily close to following the same path depicted in the video especially when we’re talking about technology advancement, viruses, and space travel.

Now lets talk about tech advancement, people fear that technology is advancing at an extremely fast pace, computers are becoming smarter, robots are on the verge of being sentient and even humans are slowly giving up their humanity…yeah that’s actually a thing.

In Sweden there is an office where employees swap out their keys for a small chip implant in their hand to open doors, it sounds cool to some but to others its a problem. For instance there is a fear among religious groups that the chip is the “Mark of the Beast” while others see it as a way for the Government to track you but that’s all theoretical. Augmented Humans are also a thing although they don’t have weapons for limbs but they do have replacement arms and legs to help them function.

Viruses turning people into mindless killing machines is quite a stretch but there are drug-resistant bacteria and mutating viruses that are out there and if they got out we would probably be wiped out pretty quickly because we were so unprepared. As for turning into a flesh eating monster well that’s another story.

Up next is space travel and we are fulfilling another part of the video’s prophecy. There is an actual mission to send people directly to Mars the trip will take about 8 months and the travelers will spend the rest of their days there. Perhaps we are getting closer to colonizing the red planet, only time will tell. We may also come into contact over the years we have been intercepting strange signals from space and there are theories that these are of alien origin.

So are video games a crystal ball we can use to see our future? It does seem crazy but coincidental or not they are incredibly accurate to some degree. Perhaps we’ll have to wait and see.

image source:http://courtreportingnyc.com

Gaming as a Sport


Two months ago the Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare tournament was premiered live on Xbox Live and to my surprise it was a really entertaining and well-funded event. Competitive gaming isn’t really my thing but it really is fun watching others play for cash prizes and the title of Call of Duty champions.

For those who are unfamiliar with the sport Competitive gaming has been around for quite a while, shooting games for Xbox or Playstation like Call of Duty and Halo or fighting games like Super Smash Bros, Street Fighter are just some of the games used for competitive play.

E Sports or Electronic sports has been around since the early 2000s and its popularity has only shown to increase as the years go by, they’ve gotten so popular thanks to the viewership of these events professional players, teams and even the game developers themselves help sponsor these competitions.

Like in any other sport competitive gamers have to behave in a proper manner at all competition as well as showing good sportsmanship. Failure to comply can result in a player or team getting banned from any future competition especially if gambling, cheating, or throwing a game is one of the reasons.

Women teams are also welcome to these competitions but they only get recognition in female exclusive tournaments. But of course nothing is ever easy for a female in male-dominated environment. Korean progamer Kim “Eve” Shee-Yoon claimed that was chosen to be part of a team not just for her skill but for her looks as well, Team Siren an all female team was disbanded being seen as a gimmick to get men’s attention, and the topic of sexism has become common at these competition.

But despite all of these controversial issues I would like to see events like these on television or even radio.  Streaming online is fine but by expanding to different outlets electronic sports can reach a wider audience besides just gamers.

image source: http://theleet.co.uk/call-duty-advanced-warfare-championship-announcement/

Using Sex to sell Games?


Whether we like or not sex is just about everywhere and its a fact that sex sells quite well. Television, Books , and even some cartoons have used sex as a way to attract an audience and it seems like video games are starting to join the club.

If you are an avid television viewer then you may have seen a commercial for a popular mobile game “Game of War Fire Age” if you haven’t they’ll be down below. The commercials are live action starring the beautiful Kate Hudson playing the role as a Roman army general either rallying her troops or strategizing with other leaders. Although they promote the game to an extent the focus seems to always shift back to Kate who is either wearing an a bust inducing outfit or nothing at all while she exits a bath.

Now the male side of me has no problem with this, I mean who wouldn’t want to see Kate Hudson doing commercials like this? Not to mention almost all the people in the comment section of both commercials agree with me. But at the same time the gamer side of me disagrees, games (at least to me) are supposed to attract an audience not by a piece of eye candy but by how the actual game looks overall.

image source: http://antwuanmalone.com/men-want/

Do Gamers get less bang for their buck?


I feel like gamers are getting robbed sometimes whenever a new popular game gets released. They already pay $65 for the game itself which it kind of ridiculous already but then if they shell out a little more cash to get access to additional content for the game along with a nice figurine or poster that will only take up space in the house. So what’s wrong with that? Well sometimes that additional content was already part of the game only to be ripped out and sold individually.

So back in the good old days when gaming wasn’t as competitive and hi-tech gamers like myself would buy a new game it would be an exciting moment. After we sat through many trailers, months of waiting and watching people online playing tech demos that lets us see how the game works we finally get to take a shot at it with no need for additional content.

Now fast forward to the present day when we finally get the game we play it a few times then we begin to lose interest until we get the predictable DLC announcement. For those who are unfamiliar DLC is downloadable content that can be purchased for a game to expand either the story of the game or the multiplayer side of it.

Here’s where you can see the sneaky robbery that some gamers are unaware of. To make an upcoming game more appealing before it’s actually released, people who preorder them get a special bonus for their game it could be a special in-game weapon or maybe additional side content for the game that is pre-order exclusive. Sometimes it may be a season pass giving you free access to future content. But is this always needed?

There have been instances where the DLC has been needed to actually complete the entire story of a game or in another instance they have been removed from the game entirely to be sold separately.

To make an example of this lets look at Asura’s Wrath .


Asura’s Wrath was a game made by Capcom (not a favorite in the gamer world right now) it was a solid game with nice graphics, fun story, and interesting characters. There was a problem though you had to BUY THE ENDING!!! That’s right buy the ending for $10 if you didn’t you are left with a cliffhanger ending and a nice message saying go pay for the rest of your game you spent 60 dollars on. Honestly that’s like buying a book, getting all the way to the end only to find the last page ripped out with a note saying come back to the store to purchase the conclusion.

There are other ways of getting ripped off, some games get a special editions version that comes with every single bit of DLC that you paid for at the standard price of a regular game. So that $10 $20 you spent if you lacked a season pass you spent a lot of money for no reason. It’s honestly ridiculous and something needs to change.

But it’s not the developers we should be mad at, it’s the companies that are mostly responsible. They’re the ones in control of what stays in and comes out of these games ultimately to make profit from the gamer. Now I’m not saying don’t buy DLC at all,  I would just like for it to be relevant to my game after I’m finished with it completely.